May 28, 2010

May Want List

I have wanted this shelf for so long but now I will have a living room that can actually handle it! I want it even more now!
I've never really been in to clucks but this one is great and I want it too!
Now that we're getting a house I'm for sure going to need some fertilizer for all the gardening I'm going to do...
...and I NEED these pillows just on their cute factor along....
....and more candles are always good....

....and this great print of bottles would go great in the front entry...
What's on your want list?


  1. I love all of your wonderful finds! Thank you for including my photo with these beauties :)

  2. What an awesome wish list! I have the shelving unit in white and I think it is a must to have. We have filled it up with books and art supplies but now I need one for the sewing room I will have in our next place :)
    I love all your other 'wishes' they are so you and will look great in your home :)


Thanks for the feedback! I read each comment and really appreciate them all! Have a creative day!