Showing posts with label Little Lists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Little Lists. Show all posts

May 13, 2011

Little List

1. Blogger has been a little missed up the last few days so I'm missing posts...esh...

2. I found a guys wallet while biking the other day. Thankfully he only lived a couple houses down from where I found it so I could return it easily.

3. On the same bike ride someone had been doing some gardening and had plants out on the curb for free! I took some ground cover and some little blue bells.

4. Tomorrow is the start of this weekends free give away so I've very excited. We arranged a truck :)

5. It's been so cold out lately but I've still got the gardening bug and have been going out faithfully every day to work on things.

6. I gave Ollie a hair cut yesterday night...I messed up the one side of his face...He looks a little silly

7. I've started watching seasons 4-6 of House...I'm very behind of it's rekindled my addition to the show so I don't think it's going to take me long to catch up

8. I have 70 followers on my food blog and have gotten featured 4 times and gotten 2 awards already. Not bad for only three weeks of being up!