March 31, 2010

Home Grown Talent: The House of Hearts

1) What is your company name?
The House of Hearts, but the name doesn’t give you any clue to what I do. I sell vintage clothing online.

2) What made you want to start selling vintage clothing?
I got into selling vintage clothing because I have always loved textures, colors, and things that don’t make a big impact on the environment to create and that are sustainable. After talking with my boyfriend a bit about it I thought you know what why don’t I just try to sell vintage clothing instead of just being scared to not step out. The worst thing that could happen is that I fail at it. And I’m not failing at all.

3) How did you learn to have an eye for vintage?
To have an eye for vintage just comes with time and research. What I do is spend time checking out other vintage shops that are going great and I take pointers from them on what sells, what looks good and what truly is vintage. Of course we all have different taste so no two vintage shops are the same but I love the 70’s and 80’s stuff and my shop really reflects this.

4) How long have you been selling vintage clothing?
I’ve been selling vintage on Etsy since October so 4 months now. I feel like I have learnt so much in that time.

5) Where do you draw your inspirations for your shop?
I love blog surfing. I find a lot of inspirations from other peoples blogs may it be art, vintage, fashion, design I love it all. I am really trying to give my shop a modern design vintage feel.

6) What are your specialties?
I would have to say my specialities are hand bags. I have sold 10 in 4 months (clearly among other things) which is pretty impressive in my eyes. I love handbags I have so many that I need to clean out of my own closet and maybe put in the shop.
To check out Crystal’s Shop:
To visit her blog:

1 comment:

  1. Off to check out her shop~ I have always adored vintage :) I love how she brands her photos with the little house + hearts, very cool!


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