December 3, 2011
May 4, 2011
May Movie Coupons!!
Here's the May Cinema City coupon! It seems like forever since I've been there! And I'm hoping with the nice weather I won't be entertained with movies but rather the outdoors very soon!
In the mean time check out my Movie Reel posts for some great movie ideas!
April 21, 2011
Happy Hour- 50% Clothes
April 11, 2011
99 Cent Teen Burgers!!
April 5, 2011
Dine About Winnipeg: Chocolate!!!

April 1, 2011
Ice Cream for 33cents!
If you're not signed up with them already you really should!
March 21, 2011
National Pancake Day

March 3, 2011
March Movie Coupon!
February 10, 2011
Kernels: Buy one get one free Tuesdays
Win a trip for 2 to the 54th Annual Grammy Awards & $1,000 in spending money! Sponsor: Global TV Enter Now | |
Sponsor: Doritos Enter Now | |
Win a Grand Prize Trip to Orlando, FL Sponsor: East Side Mario's Enter Now | |
Win a 2011 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT Sponsor: Dodge Enter Now | |
Sponsor: Tribute Enter Now | |
February 6, 2011
$2 off Softlips Coupon
If you like soft lips here's a $2 off coupon! I'm still working through my mass collection of lip related products. Man, it's amazing how much you can accumulate! I've stopped letting myself buy any until I use some up a lot of the 20 different variates that I have!
February 2, 2011
I want that $5 Amazon gift card!
Right now I'm at 44 points. I'm just waiting for there to be a Groupon I want to make it worth it! But if you think about it; if you were going to buy the Groupon anyways why not really capitalize on this couponing thing right? Even more bang for your buck!
January 20, 2011
Olive Garden $5 off 2 Entrees
I like Olive Garden but I think it's over priced for what you get. What to do? Well I don't go, or with a coupon like this maybe a would. The way it works is you get either $2.50 off one meal or you go with other person and get $5 off 2 entrees. Limits print volume so get your coupon quick!
January 12, 2011
Jewelry Give Away!
So I decided that I have this huge collection of jewelry that I’ve made and it’s just sitting there. I’ve tried having an etsy site, but I’ll be honest, I’m just not dedicated enough to make that really work for me.
What to do? Have a give away!
I’m not too sure how often I will do this but I’m just warning you now, in a few days will be the first! I’m excited!
I have all sorts of stuff so I wanted to hear from you all: What do you want? If there could be one piece you’d like to add to your collection what would be it be? A new bracelet? Some vintage earrings? Try me, I might have something just for you!
Leave me a comment with “requests” and check back in a couple days for the first of many give aways!
January 7, 2011
Winniepg Library: Free Kid's DVD Rentals
Coupon Give Away
They are from Cineplex so they'll work at the "cheap seats" or Silver City.
Free Maltesers with your purchase of a drink
Free drink with your purchase of Nachos
$25 off at Roots with your purchase of $100 or more
$10 off Chapters, Indigo or Coles with your purchase of $50 or more
$5 off your online purchase of any regularly priced DVD/Bluray (at the Cineplex website)
Leave me a message with which coupon or coupons you want and I'll pick someone and mail it to you!
Have a creative day!
January 6, 2011
Groupon: Imax
December 19, 2010
My New Favorate Site: Flyer Land!!

Ok, so I love knowing about deals but I hate having all these papers to go through and I hate the idea of looking through all of it and then just throwing it away. I can only reusing so much news paper (like on my indoor composter for example!) and then I just feel bad about all the trees I'm killing! I put up "No flyers, coupons welcome" signs on my mail box recently but I still wanted to know about all the deals! What to do? I found Flyerland!
So the way it works is you register, click all the stores you want to be updated on and then every time they put out a sale or flier you get an email about it! You get linked to the site, were you can view it and print out any coupons they have. Great right?
Just thought I'd share that with you because I'm loving it!
December 14, 2010
Cinema City Dec & Jan Coupon!!!
Gift Card Extra!!!
Hey all! I found these on Saving Money In Winnipeg and I thought I just had to pass them on to you! I already got Marshall the one for Subway!!
Extreme Pita
$20 gc, get $5 bonus
Red Lobster
Code for $5 off $25 gc online & free shipping
Boston Pizza
$50 gc, get a coupon for individual pizza or pasta (valid dine-in only Jan. 4-31)
$25 gc, get a free 6” sub
Empire Theatres
$30 gc, get a $30 coupon booklet
$50 gc, get $10 gc (valid Jan. 2-Feb. 28)
$10 gc, get a free snack wrap and medium Coke beverage.
$20 gc, get a free Big Mac and medium Coke beverage.
Kelsey’s/ Montana ’s
$25 gc, get $5 gc (valid Jan. 1- Feb. 28)
$50 gc, get $10 gc (valid day after purchase – Feb. 28)
$50 gc (non-Safeway), get 10 air miles
$100 gc (non-Safway), get 25 AM
Second Cup
Buy a $3 Special Edition Holiday gc & SC will make a donation to the Salvation Army
Also, I found one for Ciniplex; get a $30 and get $70 worth of extras (all sorts of coupons)