October 10, 2010

Ollie Before & After

Ollie for some reason has started to shed. I’m not too thrilled about it and was always one of those people that said “oh, I’d never get a shedding dog, so much work, so hair everywhere” but now that we have him, and I’m in love with him how can I get rid of him now? So I’m working with it, and so far it’s going pretty good. I’m trying to brush him more, and I ordered a Furminator off Ebay so hopefully they’re as good as they look.

But in the mean time I gave him a serious hair cut. His hair was around 3’’ long and it was getting to be hard to handle. So I cut it to around 3cm. He’s still shedding but at least it’s short little hairs right? I’m not sure which Ollie I like better but it was fun learning how to cut his hair anyways, and it’s hair right? It always grows back.
(Before, can you see the difference?)
(After, it's a good 2 inches shorter)

(After but he got a bit more trimmed off the top because as you can see it as totally doing it's own thing up there)
(After, taking a nap with me)
(After, with that "I'm going to barb" look in his eye)
(Before- Chilling out in the grass while we put together our patio set)
(Before- Totally pooed after a weekend at the lake)


  1. Your dog is way to cute!
    I can't wait to meet him.
    I just hope he doesn't pee on me :)

  2. ha ha ya, he's pretty great! he's learning with the peeing thing, but i more so have to train people then him!


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