April 14, 2011

Road Trip: Day 7, Part 1- Pahrump Valley Winery

Marshall and I had a few different things on our list that we wanted to do while in Nevada or even just on our trip and seeing/touring a winery was one of them. We didn't really know what was around so we just put "winery" in our GPS and got this place. We googled it to make sure it was a real winery and we were off. It was a bit of a detour on the way to LA but so worth it.

Marshall would love us to own our own winery one day so getting to tour one was sort of an important step.

It was really interesting hearing all about how they had to do things differently because of the soil and weather conditions out there.

It was a smaller tour so we got to ask a lot of questions as well. I love having that interaction right with the owner. It makes it feel that much more real and personal you know? If you are in the area you should definitely check this place out!

The 150+ awards they have gotten

Trying to pick which wines we want to try. They had a lot of options!

Helping out showing how the corker works. Pretty cool (and expensive) machine!

It was so pretty there! I took so many pictures like this there were just so many great trees and flowers. 

Here's a little video for you! We saw it when it was all done and wow, it's pretty! 

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Thanks for the feedback! I read each comment and really appreciate them all! Have a creative day!