May 12, 2011

Backyard & Garden Before & After Part 1!

When we took position and looked around in the yard we were in shock when we got in the back…

When we saw/bought the house and the yard it was spring and there wasn’t too much growing yet. Clearly they stopped caring and just let things go. The weekend we moved in we took the yard on and really got a lot done.

It’s not totally done yet, but it’s for sure a lot better.

It was too late in the year to plant my garden but at least I have the whole space ready for next spring!

We’re also going to get a new fence; 1) because this one is ugly and old 2) because you can see through it and I am all about the back yard privacy 3) because of the fence design Ollie can squeeze his little body through and get out to chase the neighbor’s cat. But that project will be for next year.


After (as of last summer)

Half way there in this shot

Marshall trying to get the vines out from under the deck!

This whole area is now vine free! I'm just waiting to see what tries to grow this year!

These vines were everywhere!!

This is the other side of the fence, on the back lane. That large pile is just from half of that fence!


(Still working on what we want to do in that area but at least you can see the nice clean area now)

Give me a week or so and I'll have an update for you!! We're working hard back there to get it in shape!


  1. Isn't it rewarding to get all this done. I still have a long way to go and I'm looking forward to it.

  2. Great pictures, fantastic yard.

  3. Thanks! Ya, it's coming along well!! Now if that grass would just grow!!


Thanks for the feedback! I read each comment and really appreciate them all! Have a creative day!