September 16, 2010

Dream House: Spare Bedroom

Right now the part of our house that we live in (eventually we won't rent out the basement) only has two bedrooms and one is the office/creative room/craft room/music room/Ollie's room, so having a fun spare bedroom isn't really an option, BUT when we get there these are some ideas I totally want to use!

Of course you need some bedding ideas.

I love the mix of country and modern funk on this one.
Oh I love the big open air feeling of this one!
I love these browns and creams for a spare bedroom


  1. Such great pictures. I want my bedroom to look like any of these but the first one is my favorite. I love that dividing wall and then little desk. I could see myself writing letters there :)

  2. oh i totally love that one too!! so great for a almost hotel feel room but the trees make it so whimsical almost right?

  3. Do you by any chance have a source for that great wall divider? I am soon moving into a studio apartment in Chicago!


Thanks for the feedback! I read each comment and really appreciate them all! Have a creative day!