May 15, 2011

Out Going Mail: My Sister's Birthday Card

My sister really values home made things and love getting mail. She's part of a lot of pen pal groups and different exchanges so I thought what better then to make a card for her.

It was a beautiful day so I thought I would take my card making outside.

I forgot I had this pretty wrapping paper. I think I might try and frame pieces of it or do some other sort of art project with it.

I also forgot about all these great stickers and stationary I've had since I was little. I included some of these in with her card for memory sake.

Here's the end product. Not bad for someone who doesn't scrap book or make cards much anymore. I had to wait until she got it to do this post because she's a great sister and checks out my blog often. She said she loved it so I think I hit the mark.

Happy Birthday (again) Crystal!!


  1. Oh wow, turned out beautiful. ;) You are definitely creative! :) Loooove it.

  2. wow this took a lot of time and effort! so creative of you :)

  3. ya it was a lot of fun! thanks for the comments ladies!

  4. I love seeing all these photos you took. And I can't believe that you have that Gumby paper!!! I bought that in grade 9. I think you should send me some sheets of it! Thank you so much for the beautiful card Mandi. It means a lot to me that you put the time into making it!
    Much Love Your Big Sista!

    P.S. Your photos are looking amazing!

  5. oh i will for sure send you some of that paper some time :)


Thanks for the feedback! I read each comment and really appreciate them all! Have a creative day!