July 1, 2011

Father's Day


So Father's Day. We decided that the easiest way to have us all together and celebrate and not have to split the day between the families is to have a big party at our place.

The plan was to order in Thai but turns out I didn't plan as well as I thought and the Thai place wasn't open until the evening...so lunch ended up being what was planned for our evening snacks....

...That didn't seem to matter too much because our snacks were very good. It was a hot day and we had spent the morning at church and then at the car show they have every year so add being really full to that and you get this...

...Lots of sleeping men...

After their nap we went outside and enjoyed the shade in the yard and it was gift time.

I told the dad's that they didn't look very happy with their gifts so they gave me this...better then not smiling I guess!


Isn't he cute? That's my man. I love him!!
Marshall is getting better at taking pictures of me (he took 6! ha ha) 

Ollie is always waiting for something to drop. He got some good treats that day!

1 comment:

  1. The food looks yummy + it's funny that everyone is asleep at the same time.



Thanks for the feedback! I read each comment and really appreciate them all! Have a creative day!