Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts

May 28, 2010

May Want List

I have wanted this shelf for so long but now I will have a living room that can actually handle it! I want it even more now!
I've never really been in to clucks but this one is great and I want it too!
Now that we're getting a house I'm for sure going to need some fertilizer for all the gardening I'm going to do...
...and I NEED these pillows just on their cute factor along....
....and more candles are always good....

....and this great print of bottles would go great in the front entry...
What's on your want list?

April 30, 2010

April Want List

To start I want this great dress by Watters & Watters
And I love these page markers. Anything to make it that much more like being outside.

...Meals from scratch? Yes please! What a cool idea! Check out more about this here!
I want....this tea....I don't need to really say any more...
...these shoes!!.....
...some of these yummy treats!....
...these little bunnies for Easter decorations...
...this great, cute and fun necklace...
and lastly I want this tin soup box...

March 29, 2010

March's Want List

I decided I'm going to do a "Want List" every month starting now...really, who doesn't want to dream about all the wonderful things they could have? And I'm a girl after all, so here goes!

I want this couch....
...this great cowl...
...this beautiful brooch... get a card like this given to me...

...and I want Rachel's dress..I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

...these cute little vases....

...and this great drawing to go in my house (when I get one)

February 3, 2010

A Post & Treasury All For Me?

My sister did a post and an etsy treasury just about me!! It almost made me cry so I thought I would share it with you all...

She’s a wonderful woman that continues to challenge and inspire me all the time!
I love you Crystal!

January 21, 2010

How to Have an English Tea Party Today

I was thinking the other day about how nice it would be to have the traditions they used to have back in Europe (and here I guess?) so long ago. I love movies (and the period) like Pride and Prejudice, Emma and, Ever After.

I love all the formalities, and the way they talked to one another, it was so beautiful.

Here are some idea if you’re wanting to do your own tea party!

You can get one of many beautiful dresses offered here!

You can get your tea cups and cake plates at Yellow Magnolia

You can get your jewelery for the party here!

You can get your hat or even some gloves here!

Or for some different vintage hats try this shop!

And of course shoes!

For a story and facts on how afternoon teas started check out Lady Of Kincevel’s post!

December 15, 2009

Missing Keys, Missed Buses, -30, Bad Mornings: What To Wear To Make You Warmer

I woke up and as usual had slept in a little. As I lay in bed dreading getting up (especially because the heat in our suite still isn’t working so well so it’s not anywhere near warm in the place) I realized I forgot to get a bus pass for the week. I quickly get up, get ready, but I’m thinking I’m still going to miss the bus. I hurry down to the Shoppers to get my pass. Thankfully no one was in line so I was starting to get a little hopeful. The cashier was nice enough but then range up the wrong pass. We had to start all over and I was starting to get nervous. She finished, I thanked her and booked it out the door and saw the bus stop, with my bus at it. Thankfully it was at a red light so I ran. I didn’t get near close enough before the bus started up again so I didn’t even have a chance.

I started walking home and called my husband to let him know he was going to have to take me to work (thankfully he was starting later so this was an option). Then I saw this man who takes the 90 before my 18 walking toward our stop (you start to get to know the regulars at your stop, and what they take, and when your bus will be there according to who is still waiting for their bus, or at least I do..) so I pulled my phone back out (to check the time) and sure enough it was the earlier bus that I had missed, not the one I needed!

I wait for a few minutes for the bus, got on and I was on my way feeling really good that with all that effort I didn’t actually miss it. I was just starting to warm up when my husband calls to tell me he can’t find his keys. This wouldn’t be a big deal if it wasn’t the set that has the house keys on them but it was. I get off the bus and start walking home; he was going to come and get me so we can lock up the place with my keys but of course he find the keys (in the closet with the dress shoes? Sure!) just a couple minutes after I get off the bus. I knew it was going to happen but better safe than sorry. I keep walking, thinking he should see me soon, and I’m not just going to stand there in the cold, waiting, and getting colder. He knew what I was wearing and where I was walking. Fifteen minutes later I’m home, frozen and can’t find the car or my man. He has missed me somehow and I hadn’t felt my phone vibrating with him trying to call cause my legs were frozen and numb!

I get in the car, trying not to cry (stupid PMS) and he brings me to work. We’re both frustrated, trying to get out of our bad moods, so we hold hands, which is always a good idea, and it helps. I get to work and after all of that I was only five minutes late, so that was nice!

Anyways, the point of my story (other than trying to maybe make at least one person feel better by being able to relate to a morning like this) is to help you know what to wear! I’ve done a lot of shopping, and have tested out a lot of different jackets, boots, scarves and toques for the weather and I think I figured out pretty well how to take the bus (and wait for buses) and stay warm at the same time (note: of all days I should have started wearing my ski pants today was the day!). I didn’t say it would be super fashionable, but here are some of my picks!

This last weekend I bought myself a London Fog jacket and I love it!! I haven’t been able to find a picture online of it, but it’s purple, and wonderful, and best of all it’s warm!!

I love this hat/scarf! It’s way more fashionable then a lot of other options and it’s a 2 in 1! You can find this item at

As you can see these hats consume you’re head but that also means it will be really really warm! I have one, and I look like I’m being eaten by a rabbit, but that’s ok cause there’s nothing but warmth under there!
I got mine at Mark's Work World and I love it!

This is a more fun and fashionable option, not to mention really cute! You can find this at
There’s the ugly but ultra warm option (which I have) or....
The much more fashionable and cute ones (which are also more expensive, and I’m told not quite as warm)

My Christmas Wish List!!

I thought seeing as Christmas is coming I would do a Christmas wish list!! Some of my items are pretty out there, but one can dream right?

I love this movie! I’m not much for animated movies but I love this one, it made me cry...I’m a sucker for love stories.

I love all things vintage, including this dress! You can find it at

I love birds and I love this! It’s so pretty! You can find it at

I've wanted one of these for a long time, but I feel sort of silly getting one for myself.

While my husband is there he can always get me this ring too!!

We played this game at a part once; it's hilarious and so fun!

I think this was one of the first movies I loved or maybe even was allowed to watch, and I still love it! A classic!

I love this dress cause it reminds me of summer! I want to wear this dress right now in hopes that it’s warmth and color will make summer come that much quicker! You can find this dress at

This re-make was really good! But....

If you really love the movies then you have to watch the first one! It's so worth the 6 hours spent!

I hear this love is great (although short) and I love love letters and poems!

I would only be able to wear these in fall, but that’s ok, they’re so cute they would be worth it! You can find these at

Yes, I do want a power drill, it's not a mistake!

If I could get my hands on a copy to hold me over until it really comes out on video/dvd I would be the happiest!

I don't have internet at home, the computer I do have isn't the greatest and I want to do more!

I love to cook and you can't be a real cook without a good set of knives!

And I want one of these too!! How cool hey??

I think every girl needs a pair!

Maybe I'll get this on our 10 year? Wouldn't that be great!

I love love love books!! And if I get them I get them on amazon (so much cheaper)

My husband and I got hooked on this show somehow and we haven’t really had TV for a while so we had to rent them all. We’re still on season three but if we could get our hands on season four to catch up wow, I’d be pumped!

I have been searching for boots like this and if I was more trusting with buying things (other than books) online I would order them right now!

I saw this book and I want it!! I probably sat and looked through it for a good half hour and although a lot of it looks pretty intense, and intimidating I want to learn! He’s got a lot of pictures, which I also love!

And if I’m going to get the cook book I may as well get the baking one too!! (although the cook book does have some baking in it, but you can never have too many baking options!)
Have your own wish list? Share it here; leave a comment, I would love to hear about it!