Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts

February 17, 2010

My Valentine's Day Surprise

So this year was my first year married for the wonderful day of Valentine's Day. I didn't expect too much because we had agreed on what we were going to do and not do. I honestly wasn't too sure if I was even going to get a card. My man is the best, and is super sweet, and great with his words but we had had a crazy couple of weeks and thought maybe he would forget....instead....he wakes me up to the wonderful smell of creeps!! I was so excited! He did such a great job, and had all the fixings (and I got a great card, a total love letter, later in the day)

Then, a few days ago I get a package in the mail from my sister! She didn't tell me she was sending me anything, and she's not really into commercial holidays but she sent me a gift!!
She made me this great bag! I still haven't figured out how she "melted" the bag together to make it tougher....
And she sent me these great soaps and lotions from her trip to Savannah!

I did some other things, and got some other things, but these were the ones I wanted to share, the ones that made this one special

February 5, 2010

What I Would Rather Have Than Chocolates

Well Valentine's Day is coming up and here's what I want!
These are the type of roses I had at my wedding, so of course I am in love with them.

I love Money Trees! I think they look so cool! And why not get a plant that lasts, instead of flowers that die?

February 3, 2010

A Post & Treasury All For Me?

My sister did a post and an etsy treasury just about me!! It almost made me cry so I thought I would share it with you all...

She’s a wonderful woman that continues to challenge and inspire me all the time!
I love you Crystal!

January 27, 2010

Dishware, Silverware, Games and Laughter

Yesterday Marshall and I went to the mall to get a couple things. Really we were just going to get a game (as our Valentine’s gift to ourselves) and another dish set to the one we have already.
We use these dishes as our nicer dishes, and want them to last us along time but Marshall grabbed the box upside down at the checkout and the dishes all fell out. I was worried but none of them broke! Stoneware is the best, and they are super durable so that’s why we got another set (we already have a set of 4).
I love silverware. I’m not too sure why, but I just love it. I love all the different types, and all the fun styles. When we were down the dishes ales I of course noticed the silverware and had to take a look...We walked out with two sets. We have a mismatched set we use every day but I’ve been wanting a nice set for a while. Marshall wasn’t too thrilled on the idea but he struck a deal with me “we can get your silverware you want if we get the game that I want” I was quick to jump on that!
Here’s our new set! I can't seem to find it our their website so I had to take a picture instead

And here are a bunch of other sets I like!

And here's the box I want for storage. So pretty!

So we ended up with this game....not my favourite but we played it last night and had some good laughs.

January 21, 2010

Cucumber Sandwiches

To go along with our English tea here is a recipe to help you do your own!


1 Cucumber

8 oz Cream cheese, softened
3 Green onion tops, chopped
1/2 Cup mayonnaise
2 Slices of bread
Dash garlic salt
Dash pepper
Tabasco to taste

How to make Cucumber Sandwich:

•Wash and grate the cucumber properly.
•Allow to drain over a paper towel.
•Mix cheese, mayonnaise, onion, Tabasco, salt and pepper.
•Add cucumber and mix well.
•Spread on a bread slice.
•Cover with another slice.
•Cucumber Sandwich is ready.

January 20, 2010

Vote For Me!!

I had a comment today from Shrimp Salad Circus letting me know that I have been nominated for a “Tops In 09” Award in the food category! (thanks to my wonderful sister who wrote in a very flattering nomination for me) I don’t like to think of my blog as just another blog about food because it’s so much more, but I’m just excited I got nominated AND with two other great blogs!

So with that said I would love your support and your vote! So go to the link below and place your vote! (there’s are some other categories too you can vote in or find some new blogs you didn’t even know were out there!)

January 19, 2010

Taco Soup

At one of our family gatherings this year we didn’t do the usual turkey, stuffing, potatoes thing but rather soups!! At first I was a little sceptical of the idea; I mean it’s Christmas, Soup? Really? But it was great!! I think there were 10 different types and my favourite was the taco soup. I’m still working on my Aunt-in-law (is that how you say it?) to get her exact recipe but in the mean time here are a couple to temp you!

Hamburger Taco Soup:

1 to 1 1/2 lbs Hamburger
1 Onion (Small)
2 tins Diced Tomatoes
2 tins Water (from the tomato can)
2 tins Corn
Salt & Pepper (to taste)
1 1/2 packages Taco Seasoning
2 Tbsp Chili Powder
2 TBSP Sugar
3/4 Tsp Cumin (optional).
Brown the hamburger and onion (chopped). Set aside.

In a soup pot, add the rest of the ingredients; mix together. Add the hamburger and onion.

Simmer in pot and if needed, add more water OR a can of tomato soup AND water.

Serve with sour cream, and top it off with tortilla chips and grated cheese.......yyyuuuumm!!

Chicken Taco Soup:

This one seems to be the closest I can find to what was served at the gathering.

3 large chicken breasts
1 can chicken broth
1 package taco seasoning
1/2 block Velveeta (cubed)
1 can Salsa
1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup (or cream of chicken)
4 cups of Water
1 bag chips of your choice (Doritos, or any tortilla)

Boil or simmer chicken, taco seasoning, and broth in water, until chicken is tender. Remove chicken for broth and set aside (to cool).

Add remaining ingredients to broth, and simmer. Take chicken out of broth and cut into cubes. Add back chicken and simmer on low for around 10 minutes.

Serve hot over chips of your choice with cheese on top. Enjoy!

January 15, 2010

Funny Pictures

Ok so with all the posts I have done I have come across some really funny pictures. I’ve saved them cause they are so funny (at least to me) for a time like they are!!

Not sure if anyone told them the bus wasn't coming....

He's for sure not going to get cold.

The bears....

I'm not too sure what's so alarming, but she's cute!
Now you can take your sauna with you!
Still a kid!
This ad doesn't make me want to eat their chips...
Love it!

January 8, 2010

For Sale: Wedding Dress

Wedding Dress:
- size 8-10 (I am a Medium in shirts and a 28-30 in waist and my measurments are 32-29-38)
-retail price $1500
- it's hemmed for a 5'6'' or 5'7'' person (that's with no heals)
-zip up (but it's the prettiest zip up I have ever seen!)
- matching vail ($30)
-matching shall (included)
- Asking $500

In perfect condition, I love it, and wouldn't get rid of it if I had the space. Comment if you have any questions!

January 7, 2010

If I Were A Princess...

Ok, so I dream a lot.

The other day I was looking at some photos and then thought to myself “Wouldn’t it be cool if I was a real princess and could have all the dresses that I love? And get to wear them all the time?”

I know, I know, it wouldn’t be as glamorous as in my dreams, but that’s why they are dreams right?

All these dresses are from (I got my bride's maid dresses there, I love them!)