Showing posts with label Movie Reel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movie Reel. Show all posts

August 2, 2011

Movie Reel

First of all I want to say to everyone who hasn't seen Bad Teacher yet don't! It isn't very good and it's just, well if you have to be that dirty and curd to be funny I'm not interested.

I thought Horrible Bosses was good. Dirty too (what to do you expect?) but it still was pretty funny and I liked the chemistry and humor between the characters.

Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels? Great movie, just watch it, I don't need to say much more.

July 23, 2011

Movie Reel

I would suggest NOT watching Your Highness. That's time in my life I'll never get back.

I really liked City of Ember. I had never heard of it and just saw it on Netflix and gave it a try. It's a pretty good movie.

I also really liked Hanna. I like that style of action movies.

The Hang Over 2 was pretty much like the first one, just a new location and a new lost person...Still a good laugh though.

I was glad I watched Angela's Ashes. I read the book and it was nice to see the book come to life. As it is with most books turned into movies I'm always a little disappointed with certain details they leave out.

June 4, 2011

Movie Reel

I really liked both of the Elizabeth movies. I really love movies done in that time, mainly because of the costumes :)

Harry Brown was pretty violent and sad but a really well made movie, I really enjoyed it.

I found Wendy & Lucy super slow but it was just sort of that type of movie,  but also really sad. I can totally relate to that bond with your dog though!

Bridesmaids was funny, not as funny has people had made it out to be (I kept hearing it was the Hang Over for women) but still really funny and cute but not a total chick flick so that was a nice mix for a change.

May 21, 2011

Movie Reel

I LOVED Water for Elephants, I can't wait to read the book now! And I will go and see it again.

I really also enjoyed The Queen. I'm in love with the sound track to it and listen to it all the time so I figured it was about time that I watched the movie.

I find a lot of the posters and ads for Love & Distrust misleading. Like this poster for example: it show them kissing in modern time, in what looks like New York but their characters part in the movie is in the 60s and not at all what the poster gives off. Still an interesting collection of shorts (I know they don't sell it as shorts but it pretty much was).

I know almost nothing about Tolstoy so I really don't know how much of The Last Station is true or not but I still really liked it as a movie. Very sad but good. An interestingly different love story.

May 7, 2011

Movie Reel

There are a few really great movies in here. My top picks in this bunch of movies I watched are The Secretariat (I didn't think I would like the movie as much as I did and I'm a horse person. I really really enjoyed this movie)

Rabbit Hole. Although a little slower movie I really enjoyed the characters and I found I could really relate.

And Another Year. I love how they went through the four seasons and just showed normal life. It really makes you think about what you appreciate.

April 21, 2011

Movie Reel

The Time Travelers Wife was sad, not as sad as I thought it would be, or as I heard it would be but still really sad,  but in a way I like the way it ended...I don't want to say anymore and give anything way.

I started watching Sucker Punch and at first I wasn't liking it but then as it went on I started to really like it and it ended up turning out really...well I liked it in the end...I always say too much and give movies away so I'm going to stop!

I liked Limitless. Not too intense but I love movies where people get something good and need to figure out how to make it work for them...almost like winning the lottery you know?

If you haven't see Watching For Superman you need to. I'm from Canada and the school system is a bit different up here but I just found it incredible the stuff that goes on that I had no idea about.