Showing posts with label My Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Life. Show all posts

June 16, 2011

Garage Saling, Love Winnipeg & Stella's

 A couple of weeks ago Marshall, my mom and I spent the day garage saling. We were going to go the the big neighborhood garage sale in Lindenwoods (a nicer area of the city) but we saw a couple of signs on a street close to mine (the more earthy, hippy area of the city) and turns out that whole street has garage sales all on the same Saturday together every year. We got some seriously great stuff (which I will be posting about in the Thrift House series) and spent all morning there!

Then we decided to have lunch (and stop back at our place to empty the car) and came across Love Winnipeg set up in a parking lot. They had all sorts of great stuff including free plants (which mom and Marshall are both holding).

They had all these free lotions and things. You could pick 3 of them each and they wrapped them up nice for you with a bow. They also had free toys (which I grabbed for Ollie), free music, bike repair, petty zoo, coffee, cookies and drinks. They really know how to do it!

(They were really having a good time to the music, very entertaining to watch!)

This is the bakery part to the new Stella's. It made me feel like I was in Europe again, I loved it. I can't wait to have a chance to sit in there with a pastry and a book!

Their little patio between the bakery and the restaurant. It was so cold that day, but maybe we'll sit out there next time.

The things you see in Wolseley...

Don't these all look great? They really know how to make a great breakfast there. The sandwiches were good too but the breakfast is just my favorite. My mom and I shared and I ended up eating more of hers them my own.

If you haven't been to this location yet I suggest it. I really like it, a lot!

Isn't my mom pretty?

June 14, 2011

Back 40

 (I used to always get a slurpy after horse back riding so I had to get one)

Our friends TJ & Carolyn gave us some tickets to the Back 40 Fork Festival in Morden. Now if you don't know I grew up in Winkler, a small town in southern Manitoba and Morden is a ten minute drive west of there. I used to go to church in Morden, had my horse at a farm in Morden, so I spent a lot of time there. I used to go to the festival with my mom, and I sold my jewelry there a few years so it was nice to go back!

If you've never checked out this little festival you should!

I got so hot I went and found the only store open (it was's a small town) and bought this cute little dress. Not bad for $15!

These cherries where so good! One of the best things on a hot day!

June 5, 2011

Katie's Birthday

My friend Katie has just gotten back from a trip to New York and I had told her that I would be more then happy to host her a birthday party at our place so she didn't have to worry about all the prep right after a trip. It was a great time and I had a lot of fun doing this for such a wonderful woman that I love so much.

June 3, 2011

Shirl's Birthday

It was coming up to my mother-in-laws birthday and of course that means party, and because of the time of the year that means bbq!

This is the Pina Colada Cheesecake I made. It turned out great!

Marshall, looking good as always.
Doug, being a goof, as usual.

Marshall and Ashley, very excited about the pasta salad.

Marshall, taking 20 pictures of me convinced if he just keeps shooting he'll get at least one that I like (I have a little disproving smirk on my face) he's still learning how to use our new camera

Justin with his two burgers.

One of the items on her wish list at the store.
The brothers enjoying some wine and the sun. 

Happy Birthday Shirl!